Powerful bead bracelet with personalization - Custom Made for you.
Four stone beads to choose from
Lava, Tiger eye , Malachite or Magnesite
Each can be personalized to your liking. (1 to 4 names or words)
Lava Stone - is a grounding stone that strengthens our connection to the Earth.
In times of change it strengthens us and give us courage, allowing us to be more stable.
It is a calming stone, so it helps with anger or when you are in a situation that makes you nervous or anxious.
It helps with behavior issues as well, promoting positive changes.
Lava rock is know well for doing dream work, enhancing one's creativity ,
better communication and clearing away negativity.
In addition, Lava Stone is a wonderful aromatherapy essential oil diffuser.
Just add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to some of the lava stones and enjoy the added therapeutic benefits it brings.
The Tiger Eye stone - is connected to the root and sacral chakras.
It provides an amazing amount of benefits. Theses benefits all add up
to balancing one's physical and emotional well being.
- helps you find your inner strength
- Brings self-confidence to the surface
- Balances the endocrine system
- Elevates seasonal depression
- Motivates
- Speeds up metabolism
- Empowers positive and gets rid of negative energy.
This is an all around great stone to wear when you want balance.
This stone has the ability to change your life by giving you
more confidence , thus more drive for success.
It helps remove barriers to feeling better about one's self.
It will help with limiting beliefs you may have around
finances and money. The tiger eye stone can clear away
the toxic energyyou may carry with you that may be
holding you back from moving ahead.
Malachite - is referred to as the stone of Tranformation. It is known for it abilities with manifestation, abundance and intentions.
An extremely powerful metaphysical stone
It is used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation to the person who wears it. It is a wonderful protector of negative energy and helps with balancing the body, mind and soul.
It will help you to see things more clearly. It also helps make you aware of situations that aren't good
for you and give you the strength and ability to speak up.
The Malachite stone is a heart Chakra stone. It will help remove blocks and let your heart open to experience love as it's fullest. It also works on our solar plexus charka, making us feel grounded and full of energy.
It helps us with manifesting what we desire and keeps us calm while waiting for it.
Magnesite - has relaxing and calming properties and it often used for meditation.
It is a powerful stone that helps with creativity and imagination and overall
changes to your life.
People who have psychic abilities often wear this stone as it will help develop
those abilities further.
It is a stone that encourages it's wearer to follow their heart. Helping with self- esteem and selfworth.
Used at the heart chakra, it is very powerful, and helps you to bring a extraordinary
sense of personal happiness into your inner world.
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